How much longer will this spell of hot weather last? That's the question everyone is asking. Today on Chew the air temperature was into the high 60's and the water temperature was over 13 degrees C!
For years now, the buzzer hatches seem to get earlier and earlier, but this year, they are also getting bigger. Clouds of large black buzzer hang above the trees and hedgerows surrounding both Chew and Blagdon Lakes and the trout are feasting on the pupae.
But buzzers are not the only item on the fishes' menu, as clouds of daphnia are feeding on the algae in both lakes and the water is getting clearer by the day - I reckon we had 7 feet of clarity on Chew today - which is fantastic!
Nymphs on floating lines is still the main form of attack, with Buzzers and Diawl Bachs being the best flies. During the bright sunshine, the trout are dropping a bit deeper in the water, so allow your nymphs to get down a few feet before starting your retrieve - which has to be as slowly as possible.
I have had several trips after the Chew Valley pike, but they are still recovering from spawning and are difficult to tempt. My last 2 trips have produced 3 doubles - the best at 14lbs, but I have had some follows from pretty big fish - well into the 20's in fact!
My friend Danny Peet had a cracking 31lb 8oz fish last week, so it shows that the big girls are starting to come on the feed - we just need a bit more consistency.
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