Both Chew Valley and Blagdon Lakes have had their best opening spells for years. Hot, sunny weather and cloudless blue skies helped the trout to feed with a real frenzy on buzzers, bloodworm, daphnia and even corixa.
Floating lines and nymphs have been the best tactics on both lakes. Diawl Bachs, Crunchers, Stripped Quill Buzzers and Orange Headed Pheasant Tails taking scores of fish - many of which are over 3lbs average weight.
A couple of days ago, Mike Brown and I were on Chew and we both hooked rainbows on buzzers that already had someone else's buzzers in their mouths. My advice is to use strong Fluorocarbon at the moment, such as 9lb Hardy Mach or Rio Fluoroflex. It is pointless using weaker tippet at the moment and with the incredible water clarity, it has not made any difference to my catch rate.
The clarity on Chew is the best I have ever witnessed - over 15 feet in places and in the bright conditions, this has driven the fish into deeper water, making it harder for the bank anglers. However, last Saturday and Monday, the clouds returned and the fish instantly moved back into the shallower water and the bank anglers filled their proverbial boots!
The sand martins returned on Saturday and for those fishing behind Denny Island, the sound of the ravens as they mobbed the buzzards; was fantastic.
Sadly, all good things come to an end and I suspect the weather has taken a turn for the worst - but I am convinced the fishing will remain excellent on both lakes.
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